
the single sessions ep.

the single sessions is a series of tracks i did towards the end of my stretch at the old studio super dimension in san francisco. each track was completed in a single sitting and recorded live at the end of the session. sequenced with the roland mc-303 controlling a daisy-chained setup featuring the roland jx-3p and jx-8p, yamaha dx7ii, microkorg, yamaha pss-460 and roland mks-7.


01. vondelpark acid trip
02. hunter's point
03. warmoesstraat
04. dark world
05. the underground


chinatown alleys.

lovely image of yours truly taken in one of the many little alleys in san francisco's chinatown by margaret lucas.


bioroid 2.

10 moto-SLAVE - Bioroid 2 by Gravity Halo

this is a moto-SLAVE track i contributed to the gravity halo 'broken pieces' compilation. i did a track called 'bioroid' on the colors EP, this one is 'bioroid 2' and there's a track called 'bioroid 3' that will be on my next EP, so its becoming a bit of an ongoing series, i guess. they're completely different tracks, but they're all related story-wise. they all revolve around the relationship between 2 of the characters in 'midnight mass' - andrea and charles, who have a very twisted relationship that you'll start to understand if you read the stories (although at this moment, i don't think i've published the big shocker between these two...i'll probably put that up when the new EP comes out). the relationship between these two is a major part of the ongoing story, so you can probably expect to see a few more 'bioroid' tracks in the future.


jx-3p tutorial.

demonstration of the jx-3p's programming functionality and sound by yours truly!


cats on earth - phobos

this track is a few years old. it came out late last year on the 'broken pieces' compilation from gravity halo. i don't remember much about how i made this track, so not much info there, but i do remember that it has a story behind it. the song is about workers on a mining station located on one of mars' moons, phobos. a cargo ship attempts to dock at the station and causes a rupture in the outer wall, setting off alarms throughout the station and sending all the workers into a panic. they try to fix the damage, but it only gets worse and before long the walls are ripped open and the entire crew is vented into orbit around the planet. gruesome, but hey...that's the story.


studio tour.

take a tour through my ghetto fabulous studio super dimension!


cats on earth - frequencies

cats on earth - frequencies by cats on earth

this is pretty much the only cats on earth track i've done in the last year or so. for this one i used mainly the jx-3p and jx-8p. the first half of the track is almost all 3p, the resonant blippy arpeggiating sound, the bass, the eerie pads, the video game melody, the funky synth riff that comes in later...all the 3p. obviously the bending lead isn't the 3p, since that synth doesn't have a portamento effect...i think that may have been the microkorg. the whole end section is 8p pads doing a lovely vangelis-esque chord sequence with melody provided by the yamaha pss-460 doused in effects and some microkorg arpeggio washes in the background with a little white noise filtering from the 3p. the drums are a bunch of different drum machines all chopped up with a touch of the amen break for good measure.