cats on earth - frequencies by cats on earth
this is pretty much the only cats on earth track i've done in the last year or so. for this one i used mainly the jx-3p and jx-8p. the first half of the track is almost all 3p, the resonant blippy arpeggiating sound, the bass, the eerie pads, the video game melody, the funky synth riff that comes in later...all the 3p. obviously the bending lead isn't the 3p, since that synth doesn't have a portamento effect...i think that may have been the microkorg. the whole end section is 8p pads doing a lovely vangelis-esque chord sequence with melody provided by the yamaha pss-460 doused in effects and some microkorg arpeggio washes in the background with a little white noise filtering from the 3p. the drums are a bunch of different drum machines all chopped up with a touch of the amen break for good measure.
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